Vauxhall Drive

Vauxhall Drive is a specialist facility comprising of four bedrooms for adults with supported housing needs. Loddon Homes took responsibility of this scheme in April 2015, leasing it from Wokingham Borough Council.
In 2016 this development underwent refurbishment works to improve the scheme for its residents including new laundry facility, bathroom and bedroom remodelling and decoration to the interior.
This scheme offers 24 hour care support to its residents provided by Link Nursing.

How to become a resident at Vauxhall Drive

All nominations for residents at Vauxhall Drive and similar schemes are managed through Wokingham Borough Council’s Housing Services. Further information about being added to the Council’s housing register is available on the Council website.

Make an enquiry

For further information about Vauxhall Drive please email [email protected] or phone 0118 908 8479

Out of hours tenant care

To report a tenant care issue please contact Link Nursing on any of the numbers listed below:

Landline: 0118 9691293

Mobile 1: 07825998404

Mobile 2: 07825994564